XML file 1 « XML file « Java I/O Q&A

1. Application configuration files    stackoverflow.com

OK, so I don't want to start a holy-war here, but we're in the process of trying to consolidate the way we handle our application configuration files and we're struggling to ...

2. Can the Java File method "canWrite()" support locking?    stackoverflow.com

I have a Java application that monitors a folder for incoming XML files. When a new file is detected I need to test the file that it is not currently ...

3. Prefuse: Reloading of XML files    stackoverflow.com

I am a new to the prefuse visualization toolkit and have a couple of general questions. For my purpose, I would like to perform an initial visualization using prefuse (graphview ...

4. How do I represent an XML file as a Java object using commons-digester?    stackoverflow.com

Following on from my recent question regarding parsing XML files in Java I have decided to use the commons-digester library. I am now familiar with this process and now ...

5. Doubt in build.xml file in Apache-Ant1.6.5    stackoverflow.com

I have used Collections in my code with Generics. When try to compile that java file in build.xml, its showing error at generics and its saying its not a statement. I ...

6. add xml:base to xml file in java    stackoverflow.com

I want to add an xml:base declaration to an xml file in java. I currently have the xml output in an OutputStream that was generated by some third party code. The ...

7. How to add namespace to an xml file using java program    stackoverflow.com

I want to add namespace to an xml file using java program. So how can I add namespace to an xml file using java Thanks Bapi

8. How would you create xml files in java    stackoverflow.com

I am creating software that creates documents, (Bayesian network graphs to be exact), and these documents need to be saved in an XML format. I know how to create XML files, but ...

9. What is xmlns in my xml file?    stackoverflow.com

First of all please don't close this question as duplicate of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1181888/what-does-xmlns-in-xml-mean, Actually, i am having an entry in my servlet.xml,

Now what i think is, dwr is the prefix ...

10. Are there any tools similar to XML Beans for 834 files in JAVA    stackoverflow.com

I love the pleasure of dealing with XML files with XMLBeans objects... Now working with 834 files, i wonder if its a similar tool for 834 files A flat file object will ...

11. How to embed xml file into java package and access it?    stackoverflow.com

I have a XML file with data that is used in both my C# and Java version of a library. Ideally I want to embed this XML file in a package in ...

12. Application bundle on OS X does not work, file addressing problem    stackoverflow.com

My application requires a XML file to work and it doesn't even start without the file. Why I bundle my app as a JAR file it works fine as long as ...

13. I want to create a .XML file in java    stackoverflow.com

I want to create a .XML file and add or edit the elements under the root. How do i do it? how to create a new XML file and edit the content ...

14. Using of xml files in java programming    stackoverflow.com

How to use .xml file in applet coding? I want to save some context in .xml file in java-applet programming..... I want to make the changes in that file through coding. how to do ...

15. how to create xml file for izpack?    stackoverflow.com

I want to create my java application into a software. Then make it as an installer(setup). Also i made the java application into an executable jar. I am using IzPack for ...

16. A simple way to remove headers from XML files    stackoverflow.com

I need remove non-xml tags from file generated by another program. The file is some like this:

Executing Command - Blah.exe ...
-----Command Output-----
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>

17. XML Catalog file failing to resolve    stackoverflow.com

I'm using an OASIS v 1.1 compatible resolver (Norm Walsh's XMLResolver in conjunction with the catalog below. However, I'm pretty sure I've made some sort of obvious error here ...

18. Can we create a class from a xml file?    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to create a class dynamically by reading an xml file ( in java preferably) ? if yes, please provide pointers on how to do it. In the ...

19. Storing XML Files in Java Project    stackoverflow.com

Apologies for the fairly open question however I feel it needs to be this way. In any given Java project, preferably a web service, have you ever had to store XML files? ...

20. Cache XML File Java    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to Cache a XML File on application initialization. What would be the best approach to do it? Which would be the most efficent datastructure which I can use? ...

21. XmlBeans vs Digester which is good at handling huge xml files?    stackoverflow.com

I am creating a webservice which is going to parse huge xml files from different requests. I was exploring different xml parsers from which I read about XmlBeans and ...

22. How do i create methods from the parsed values from the xml file    stackoverflow.com

I have parsed an xml file using the digester parser , now i need to create a method like If I have a


23. How to create XML file?    stackoverflow.com

I have some data which my program discovers after observing a few things about files. For instance, i know file name, time file was last changed, whether file is binary or ascii ...

24. how to prevent external xml file modification?    stackoverflow.com

I'm coding a little library which will handle xml files to store some data, and I need this data to be handled only by the methods I provide in my library. I ...

25. How to create checksum for an XML file in Java    stackoverflow.com

I need to create a checksum for an XML file in Java. The basic requirements are:

  1. The order of elements matters;
  2. The name-value pair of attributes is important, but the order of attributes ...

26. Should the web.xml file be under version control?    stackoverflow.com

In the past, I've only developed Java applications. This is my first time attempting an actual web app on my own, so pardon the painfully rookie question. Should I add the ...

27. Why does Hudson ignore my profiles.xml file?    stackoverflow.com

I have a Maven2 project, with a pom.xml and a profiles.xml files at the same level. The project configuration is provided by Maven profile properties:

// etc.
Locally, each developper customize his build in ...

28. Problems traversing xml file with Java    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to traverse a simple XML document with Java, but for some reason whitespace is being counted as nodes. For example, I have this:


29. Create XML file using java    stackoverflow.com

How to create a xml file and save it in some place in my machine using java..there are attributes also include in the xml file? I have found org.w3c.dom.Document but having ...

30. What is the best way to work with xml configurations file to my application in java?    stackoverflow.com

Hi experts What is the best way to work with xml configurations file to my application in java? Any XML parser that i found in the internet is too complex. thank you guys. Regards. elad.

31. Configuration file with variable number of objects    stackoverflow.com

would like to get some feedback on using XML config files when the number of parameter sets inside can change. Currently I load in program parameters (contract specifications for trading programs) with ...

32. Duplication between xml dataset file and test method code    stackoverflow.com

I have some unit tests for my DAOs (implemented using JPA). I thought that it would help to test every CRUD method separately, e.g. to test the findAll() method, I populate ...

33. Generate XML file from java code    stackoverflow.com

For example,I want to generate the following xml file by using java with DOM

        <book id="1">

34. java.io.FileNotFoundException: /root/Niidle/src/com/ensarm/niidle/web/social/sites/sitelist.xml (No such file or directory)    stackoverflow.com

I have got executable jar,I added class-path in manifest as well,but showing some error:I typed this command:

>>java -cp /Projects/EnwelibDatedOct13/Niidle/lib/hector-0.6.0-17.jar -jar /usr/local/bin/niidle.jar -su
Results in:
10 Jan, 2011 8:09:20 PM com.ensarm.niidle.util.logger.NiidleLogger log
SEVERE: /root/Niidle/src/com/ensarm/niidle/web/social/sites/sitelist.xml (No ...

35. How does the permissions.xml file for JForum works?     stackoverflow.com

Can anyone explain how the permissions.xml file for JForum works? All of the Jforum documentation is missing from their site, and I am trying to find out how to deny ...

36. How to append xml file in java    stackoverflow.com

I've been using xml files to save data from my java program. I'm using the java DOM api. I want to add to the document by adding an element and then ...

37. Cant delete file created by the java Transformer    stackoverflow.com

I am using the Transformer class in java in the following way -

1   Transformer transformerFinal = tFactory.newTransformer(new StreamSource(finalStylesheet));
2   transformerFinal.setParameter("Date", sdf.format(myDate));
3   transformerFinal.transform(new StreamSource(tempFilename), new ...

38. How to extract RDF triples from xml file using existing Ontology in java?    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to extract RDF triples from xml files by using existing ontology. I am using java program, I also use XPath to extract datas from xml and Jena API ...

39. Customizing components using Java Synth xml file?    stackoverflow.com

I'm developing a Java application with a custom UI and I'm using Java Synth to achieve that. Currently I'm developing the xml file manually. Do you think this is a good ...

40. How can I extract data from an XML file using Java?    stackoverflow.com

My XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <device mobile="true" supported="false">Windows CE</device>
 <device mobile="false" minVersion="2">Firefox</device>
 <device mobile="false" minVersion="3">Safari</device>
 <device mobile="false" minVersion="6">MSIE</device>
 <device mobile="false" minVersion="1">Chrome</device>
From Java, if we give input as "Firefox", the output should ...

41. Delete prior XML File until new file generated using Java    stackoverflow.com

On a regular interval am writing to an xml file at a specified location using PrintWriter with data coming from database. I don't want to delete the existing xml file ...

42. Bitcask ok for simple and high performant file store?    stackoverflow.com

I am looking for a simple way to store and retrieve millions of xml files. Currently everything is done in a filesystem, which has some performance issues. Our requirements are:

  1. Ability to store ...

43. Changing resource files dynamically for testing    stackoverflow.com

I have a program that relies on an XML file to retrieve data from. When testing, I would like it to use a different XML file. I would like to do this ...

44. Can we set some values to a xml file    stackoverflow.com

My question is - as we read data from XML file using Java likewise can we set data to a XML file using Java?

45. Online resource to generate Java class from XML file    stackoverflow.com

Is there a website that will take a sample XML file as input and generate a (rough) Java class based on the elements (not data) in the file? I have ...

46. Byte order mark removal in xml files using Java IO    stackoverflow.com

The byte order mark is the first 3 bytes in my xml file. How do I remove the Byte order mark from the xml file programmatically? I want to completely discard ...

47. XMLStreamReader - What happens at the end of the file?    stackoverflow.com

When traversing an XML document like so

    if(streamReader.getEventType() == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT){
Do I need ...

48. Java and XML: How to get list of included files    stackoverflow.com

I have problem with by Xinclude or as an entity included files. I need to know, which files have been included by parser. Example:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE docBookChapter [

49. Java: Given a List of file names, make sure the corresponding XML only contains information about these filess    stackoverflow.com

I have a List of files (20,000 to 50,000 files), and a large xml file. I want the file XML to only contains information about the file in the List. For example, ...

50. Ubuntu Java XML FileNotFoundException    stackoverflow.com

I keep getting this error from my java application...

[00:00:01]: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ./data/world/xml/woodcutting/Trees.xml (No such file or directory)
[00:00:01]:     at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method)
[00:00:01]:     at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:137)
[00:00:01]:   ...

51. Don't want to change ' entity to ' in XML file    stackoverflow.com

I am automating changing of some XML files through documentation builder factory but in the one of the attribute entity reference &apos; getting change to ' . I don't want that ...

52. Design Paradigm for instantiating object from XML file    stackoverflow.com

For a uni assignment I'm writing a java program which needs to save and load an object hierarchy to XML files. For example, the program creates a Zoo class with a ...

53. Need help in structuring things in XML file    stackoverflow.com

I want to have something below to save in the xml file

Question0 : What is ur name?
 Answer0: Tina
   Question0.0 : What are your hobbies?

54. Implement auto-fill from XML file (on mobile device)    stackoverflow.com

I have an XML file (on a mobile device) with some nodes which are being used to suggest users at runtime of the application. My application is java based. I am ...

55. Scaling application that reads large XML files    stackoverflow.com

I have an application which reads large set of XML files (multiple around 20-30) periodically, like once every 10 minutes. Now each XML file can be approximated to at least 40-100 ...

56. Get Information from XML file    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to extract the text value and size value in the row tag from this xml.


57. how to analyze an XML file?    stackoverflow.com

I have java service that should receive an xml file containing several elements. i need to analyze this file extract matched elements and send them to their related services. I hope to ...

58. how to store data in xml file...    bytes.com

100+ P: 149 madhuriks hi, im new to xml..i developed one application using jsp file..if i enter the values it should store in xml file...for storing using servlet file...the problem is ...

59. how to view the existing xml file    bytes.com

60. I/O of XML file within memory    coderanch.com

Hi everyone, This is fairly a basic question and I am somehow confused how to implement it due to my lack of experience with Java I/O. I have an XML document that I am gerneating on the fly and writing it out to a file with PrintWriter out statements on a FileOutputStream. I want to achieve the following: I want another ...

61. read/write to an xml file    coderanch.com

I'm developing a simple app to keep track of my movie collection, to try to put my learning Java to good use. Instead of using a database, I figured I would use an xml file to store my movie data, since it's only a few hundred records. I'm not exactly sure how to do this though. If someone could post a ...

62. Problem with xml file    coderanch.com

Using org.w3c.dom package I have written code to generate .xml file. i.e. Peter Johnson peter 1234567 peter@petersdomain.com The data for the xml file comes from a HTML Form. Everytime I submit the HTML Form, the data in the xml file is over-written by the new data. What I want is that everytime I submit ...

63. storing data in xml file    coderanch.com

Hi all, If my application can not establish connection with the server it is storing 8000 xml files(one file per record).After connection with the server resumes it sends these xml files to server one by one and simultaneously deletes these files. I want to know ,wheather it is a good design or not.My requirement is to store 8000 records at the ...

64. File object does not detect xml file in a folder    coderanch.com

Hi Friends, File dir = new File("."); String[] files = dir.list(); for( int i = 0; i < files.length; i++ ){ String filename = files[i]; File f = new File(filename); if(f.exists()) { System.out.println("File is Exists" ); } if(f.isFile()) { System.out.println("file=" + files[i]); } This code does not show xml file in a directory. where is the problem in this code? Help ...

65. Flat File to XML convertion    coderanch.com

Sounds like you're using StringTokenizer? There is an optional argument to make it give you the delimiters as well as the values between them. You can add some logic to detect empty columns by two delimiters in a row. See also Scanner which can parse with regular expressions. I'm far from expert at expressions, but I bet you could teach it ...

66. wrting bytearray to xml file    coderanch.com

hi i am arun i am trying to convert pdf file to xml file actually i read the content from pdf and put it in byte array but when i put byte array in xml it is not working i used the following code to insert byte array in to xml file Testing pdf is classname getRequestBufferAsBytes(request) is astatic method byte[] ...

67. How to construct XML file    coderanch.com

69. to generate xml file    coderanch.com

This is a web application in j2ee. we r having problem in accessing 1000s of data from the oracle 9i db from our application. The problem is in generating report from the application===> This is nothing but generating an xml file from the application and an xslt file which accepts input as the generated xml file. Cocoon accepts the xslt file ...

70. Java Program to find diff between two xml files    coderanch.com

Hi, i need to write a Java Program that will create an xml file based on the difference between two xml file. For eg: say i have two xml files 1.xml and 2.xml . 1.xml ----- ]> Doe Doe Enterprise, ...

72. Best practice to use timers to check current time and xml file records    coderanch.com

Hi Thank you for reading my post I have an xml file which has some node showing time ranges. I should check this time ranges and compare the current time with stored time ranges, if current time is within those time range, I need to perform some actions. Are there any pattern or best practice for it? Thanks.

74. XML File    coderanch.com

String file1 = "C:\Program Files\IBM\VisualAge for Java\ide\project_resources" + "\IBM WebSphere Test Environment\hosts\default_host\art\web\testXML.xml" String file2 = "C:\Program Files\IBM\VisualAge for Java\ide\project_resources" + "\IBM WebSphere Test Environment\hosts\default_host\art\web\testDTD.dtd" function void readFile (String file) { // if it is a xml file try { File f = new File(file); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String str = ""; while ((str ...

75. how XML files passing to main class...    coderanch.com

You can pass the paths to the three files as command line arguments, read them in your main method then load the XML files. e.g.: public static void main(String [] args) { // there is some obvious scope for erros here // so you'd put some validation code here: ..... // get the file names String file1 = args[0]; String file2 ...

78. Chunking an overly large xml file?    coderanch.com

I have a very large xml file 300,000kb that I need to parse. (size can vary and could be larger) I need to look for a certain start tag, and then it's corresponding close tag, and then process that chunk before moving on to the next one. My first thought was that I could use Smooks' splitting and routing but I ...

79. Modification in XML file    coderanch.com

please help me i cant move due to this. i want to delete the nodes in xml file.here is what i have tried. import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; public class Delete { public void del(List li) { DocumentBuilderFactory ...

80. How to Create a Byte Arrary from a XML File?    coderanch.com

Hm, that will usually work, but there's a subtle bug that can bite when you're not expecting it. The read() method isn't guaranteed to actually read the full contents in one read - you may get only a partial read. You can do the read in a loop, ensuring that we read until the end of file is reached. Or more ...

81. handling multiple xml uploads of the same file !    dbforums.com

Hi All, I need to develop an web based application using java swing, servlets, xml and all this need to be done using a custom framework application that we use in house. In brief the functionality is just to parse the user uploaded xml file and insert it into database. However I need to take of synchronizing such activity since same ...

82. Concatenating many XML files    dbforums.com

Hi ... My program accesses 50 xml files one at a time, uses JAXP API and DOM parser to update each and puts the updated DOM into a new XML file. So, I will be left with 50 updated xml files. Its fine till now... But what I want to accomplish is to have a SINGLE xml file as output instead ...

83. access xml file through factory    java-forums.org

Guys, I am working on my java project, replaced by existing factory properties file into xml file. now i need to call that xml file from my factory using DOM parser. I am little confused with how to replace the exisitng factory code to access xml. These are my codes My exisitng factory: ------------------ package services; import utility.*; import exception.ServiceLoadException; import ...

84. methods in xml file    java-forums.org

85. Where is the file "sun-resources.xml"?    forums.oracle.com

86. xml file division    forums.oracle.com

we are having this xml file ,a standalone app and write all in the main(), we have to get the file there is ,, is there we have to separate the three into a Stringbuffer or array we have to divide the claim part into two part based on the claim end tag. we have store the two parts in two ...

87. Help with displaying my xml file in my jtext area    forums.oracle.com

private void initGUI() { try { { } BorderLayout thisLayout = new BorderLayout(); getContentPane().setLayout(thisLayout); this.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(750, 700)); { labelpannel = new JPanel(); BorderLayout labelpannelLayout = new BorderLayout(); getContentPane().add(labelpannel, BorderLayout.NORTH); labelpannel.setLayout(labelpannelLayout); } { jButton3 = new JButton(); getContentPane().add(getExitsystem(), BorderLayout.SOUTH); jButton3.setText("Exit System"); jButton3.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(609, 57)); jButton3.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(0,255,255)); jButton3.setForeground(new java.awt.Color(0,0,0)); jButton3.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Arial",1,24)); jButton3.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { System.exit(0); } }); } ...

88. Delete item from my xml file    forums.oracle.com

public NewSwingApp() { super(); initGUI(); } private void initGUI() { try { { } BorderLayout thisLayout = new BorderLayout(); getContentPane().setLayout(thisLayout); this.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(750, 700)); { labelpannel = new JPanel(); BorderLayout labelpannelLayout = new BorderLayout(); getContentPane().add(labelpannel, BorderLayout.NORTH); labelpannel.setLayout(labelpannelLayout); } { jButton3 = new JButton(); getContentPane().add(getExitsystem(), BorderLayout.SOUTH); jButton3.setText("Exit System"); jButton3.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(609, 57)); jButton3.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(0,255,255)); jButton3.setForeground(new java.awt.Color(0,0,0)); jButton3.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Arial",1,24)); jButton3.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ...

89. catching a not well formed xml file    forums.oracle.com

Thanks! that worked like a charm. I have one more question though. I know my program works because I have tested it every step of the way. However, I never contemplated that it could fail because of the a memory error. The program crashes randomly with a certain number of documents. My program is suppose to handle about 3,000 documents at ...

90. XML files    forums.oracle.com

its a question that will be coming up on a repeat exam i have to sit shortly. been googling it like mad but to no avail really, java isnt exactly a favourtite subject of mine. If you could help a desperate student in dire need of an answer to the question though, you'd be doing him a massive favour.......

92. Basic doubt about XML file generation    forums.oracle.com

Hi, I am new to Java. I am facing some trouble designing and implementing a particular problem involving XML files. Problem: I have an XML file which contains a set of properties and their default value. What I need to do is to read another file/stream which will have name=value strings and then, for all the names that I find there, ...

93. How to delete a xml file    forums.oracle.com

94. Increment numbers in XML files    forums.oracle.com

Count the number of instances that line occurs (DOM or SAX). Then you already know how much you need to increment. You can then write a function to take that node tree and run it in a loop to do the increment. This way there would be no need for a global counter variable, or passing a counter in.

95. Need to print the filenames that are not present inside an xml file    forums.oracle.com

This is about the same as your other post with the xml files... I hope you aren't writing 2 separate functions to do these 2 tasks? But now I see how you process that file, it's completely irrelevant that you are using an XML file at all. I think you should split this up into 2 parts: - parse the XML ...

96. Checking of filenames inside an xml file    forums.oracle.com

97. XML files    forums.oracle.com

98. need some logic on xml file    forums.oracle.com

hello guys, i am a old member of this forum but my stream is c but meanwhile i give some time to this fascinating language.... guys i need ur comment on this problem how it can be solved .. i am hoping ur answers (plz don't say i didn't try it just give me direction) problem is as: find below a ...

99. getting xml block from xml file    forums.oracle.com

100. Creating a XML file with the data in a Table    forums.oracle.com

Hi All, need a little bit of tips/idea about a task I am currently trying to do. Situation: I have a table (JTable) which I filled up with data. It has 4 columns (BOOK_NAME, WRITER, YEAR, PUBLISHER). The number of rows is variable. Currently it has about 50 rows. Task: I have a XML schema in mind, which is as following: ...